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  • The exhibition entitled Haryana through the ages was organized at the time of world   Heritage Day at the Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh.
  • An exhibition on the monumental wealth of Haryana was organized at War Memorial Complex, Kala Amb, Panipat at the time of its inauguration.
  • Rare antiquities, discovered from the excavation at Banawali were sent through Archaeological Survey of India to display in the Festival of India at London and Moscow.
  • Unique discoveries of Kunal excavations were displayed at National Museum, New Delhi at the time of World Archaeological Congress on their demand.
  • Special exhibitions on new discoveries were organized at the time of Geeta Jayanti at Kurukshetra.
  • Rare and important antiquities of Kunal, Banawali and Agroha were sent to the Archaeological Survey of India to exhibit at the time of SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation) Archaeological Conference at New Delhi.
  • The Department has participated in International Trade Fair in New Delhi and displayed a translight showing archaeological material and other achievements of the department to popularize the State’s heritage and archaeological wealth.
  • The Department has organized a photo-exhibition of archaeological material at Kurukshetra on the eve of Geeta Jayanti